Check us out at GSA!

Our lab will be presenting 2 posters at the GSA meeting in Pittsburgh. Stop by and say hi!

Tuesday, October 17; D 25: Recent Developments in Paleoecology; Booth 90

Rueckl, K, Park Boush, L., Cooley, K., Cohen, A., Blashak, A., Robakiewicz, E., and Hall, C. 2023. What makes the alae grow? Assessing morphological response in ostracods to increased stratification and declining benthic oxygen caused by climate change in Lake Tanganyika, East Africa. GSA Annual Meeting Abstracts with Programs, V. 55(6).

Wednesday, October 18; T128 Lakes of the World; Booth 266

Eaton, K., and Park Boush, L., 2023. Paleoecological response of ostracods and conchostracans to the end Triassic extinction event in the Hartford Basin, USA. GSA Annual Meeting Abstracts with Programs, V. 55(6).